

Listening to President Chen giving his will

◎ 陳順勝教授



President Chen, while stuttering badly, told me and other visitors his thoughts. I could tell from his words his devotion to Taiwan, his expectation to his fellow DPP members, and his unmistakable disappointments.

台灣主權獨立建國之路坎坷,從蔣氏父子的「中華民國」,李登輝總統改稱呼為「中華民國在台灣」。陳水扁總統上 台三部曲,首先主張「台灣就是中華民國」;而後詮釋「台灣不是中國」,到中國與美國都不爽的「台灣中國一邊一國」。

He points out that it is a very tough mission to achieve Taiwan's Independence. Chiang and his son imposed "Republic of China" over Taiwan, Lee called it "Republic of China ON TAIWAN", while President Chen took three steps, starting with "Taiwan is Republic of China", then "Taiwan is NOT China", and then the final step, "Taiwan and China are two Different Countries Across the Strait." His last step angered both China and the US.


The actual actions he took to abolish "National Unification Policy" and to seek "UN and WTO Memberships in names of Taiwan", made the US, China, and deep blue people enraged, leading to his current imprisonment.


He knew that he could not achieve Taiwan's Independence during his terms but he would like to build a foundation and a momentum, so that his successors could continue to push and to complete it. However, he is disappointed and saddened that DPP and its presidential candidates all abandoned it and chose to steer clear of it. He worries about the future of Taiwan and understands the hopeless situation of his, both driving him into deep depression.


As a psychiatric doctor, I was able to listen to him, a wrongfully accused and imprisoned former President, to know first hand why he attempted suicide. This is why I wrote this report so that Taiwanese will understand him and be inspired. All other visitors heard the same statement as I reported here. The prison authority also recorded the whole conversation.

談 起台灣政治與前途,他結巴中滔滔不絕,激動處嚴重口吃與劇烈的右手抖動。為了提醒其他人不要忘了他生病了,他把話題轉到食慾吃東西,他說支持者送進來的飯全都吃了,我請他告訴我們中午吃什麼菜?他回答,這種生活上的記憶我都丟了。我心中泛起一陣心酸,陳總統您自己這樣了,為何還用自己的意志力心掛著台灣,與我認為很不值得的入黨!雖然我會支持他,那是尊重他的自主權,醫療上治療他的一部分!

When he was discussing Taiwan's future and politics, he kept on talking even though he was stuttering badly and his right hand was trembling uncontrollably. When the topic turned to his illness and his appetite, he told us that he ate everything sent to him by the supporters (Note that there is a group of supporters who deliver daily meals to him and maintain a daily journal on the web.) When we asked him what he ate for lunch, he replied that he did not bother to remember these daily trivia because he had better use for his badly reduced memory capacity. I was saddened upon hearing this. I wonder why he would still care so much about Taiwan when he is in such a bad shape.

昭姿註: 陳順勝教授6月4日探視總統所寫,我們認為這是在表達心願交代後事。真正讓總統輕生的理由,而不是我所以為的那些低層次的事。

Note: After reading this article, Janice Chen, the leader of the volunteer medical team, believes that President Chen is giving us his will because he knows that he could die any time. Now we know the real reason behind his suicide attempt, not due to those minor issues announced by MOJ.

by Prof. Chen Shuen-Shen

June 5, 2013

